Current Calendar according to tsurLUG calendric system
January 2025
1 Wednesday: 12i.2. ⋅ New Year* ⋅ Earth-Water ⋅ Tshong: Do not start business ventures ⋅ LA: ankles ⋅ Yelam: North-East ⋅ Inauspicious haircutting day (Diseases)
2 Thursday: 12i.3. ⋅ White Tara Day ⋅ Parinirvana of the 1st Chetsang Rinpoche, Drikung Könchok Ratna (1590-1654) ⋅ Earth-Wind ⋅ Pu: Do not take your infant first time outside ⋅ LA: (medial side of) thighs ⋅ Yelam: North-East ⋅ Auspicious haircutting day (Wealth is increased)
3 Friday: 12i.4. ⋅ Earth-Water ⋅ Mag: Do not initiate any war and its related work ⋅ LA: waistline ⋅ Yelam: North-East ⋅ Auspicious haircutting day (Radiance is augmented)
4 Saturday: 12i.5. ⋅ Earth-Earth ⋅ Nyen: Do not make any new accompany ⋅ LA: (interior of) mouth ⋅ Yelam: North-East ⋅ Auspicious haircutting day (Acquisition of great wealth)
5 Sunday: 12i.6. ⋅ Fire-Fire ⋅ Khar: Do not build and initiate any construction work ⋅ LA: chest ⋅ Yelam: North-East ⋅ Inauspicious haircutting day (Radiance disappears)
6 Monday: 12i.7. ⋅ Water-Water ⋅ Pag: Do not marry ⋅ LA: back ⋅ Yelam: North-East ⋅ Inauspicious haircutting day (Entanglement in trials, legal problems)
7 Tuesday: 12i.8. ⋅ Green Tara and Medicine Buddha Day ⋅ 100 times day ⋅ Fire-Water ⋅ Dur: Do not make any cremation ⋅ LA: palms of hands ⋅ Yelam: North-East ⋅ Auspicious haircutting day (Long Life)
8 Wednesday: 12i.9. ⋅ Water-Wind ⋅ Shi: No memorials or wakes ⋅ LA: liver ⋅ Yelam: North-East ⋅ Inauspicious haircutting day (Negative encounters)
9 Thursday: 12i.10. ⋅ Guru Rinpoche (Padmasambhava) Day ⋅ Luthep ⋅ Fire-Wind ⋅ Chi: Do not make any community events ⋅ LA: waistline ⋅ Yelam: North-East ⋅ Auspicious haircutting day (Achievement of power)
10 Friday: 12i.11. ⋅ Earth-Fire ⋅ Don: Do not invite anyone ⋅ LA: nose ⋅ Yelam: North-East ⋅ Auspicious haircutting day (Achievement of power and intelligence)
11 Saturday: 12i.12. ⋅ Earth-Earth ⋅ Tshong: Do not start business ventures ⋅ LA: stomach ⋅ Yelam: North-East ⋅ Inauspicious haircutting day (Detrimental to life)
12 Sunday: 12i.14. ⋅ Day 13 of this lunar month is missing. ⋅ Nyinak ⋅ Fire-Wind ⋅ Mag: Do not initiate any war and its related work ⋅ LA: blood vessel above thumbs ⋅ Yelam: North-East ⋅ Auspicious haircutting day (Profuseness of material goods)
13 Monday: 12i.15. ⋅ Buddha Amitābha Day ⋅ 100 times day ⋅ Water-Water ⋅ Nyen: Do not make any new accompany ⋅ 🌕 ⋅ LA: whole of body ⋅ Yelam: North-East ⋅ Auspicious haircutting day (Favorable auguries, auspicious)
14 Tuesday: 12i.16. ⋅ Fire-Wind ⋅ Khar: Do not build and initiate any construction work ⋅ LA: neck ⋅ Yelam: North-East ⋅ Auspicious haircutting day (Expansion of Dharma and of progeny)
15 Wednesday: 12i.17. ⋅ Fire-Water ⋅ Pag: Do not marry ⋅ LA: throat ⋅ Yelam: North-East ⋅ Inauspicious haircutting day (The skin becomes bluish)
16 Thursday: 12i.18. ⋅ Parinirvana of Longchen Rabjampa (1182-1251) ⋅ Water-Wind ⋅ Dur: Do not make any cremation ⋅ LA: pit of the stomach ⋅ Yelam: North-East ⋅ Inauspicious haircutting day (Loss of all wealth)
17 Friday: 12i.19. ⋅ Yenkong ⋅ Parinirvana of Dudjom Rinpoche (1987)* ⋅ Earth-Fire ⋅ Shi: No memorials or wakes ⋅ LA: ankles ⋅ Yelam: North-East ⋅ Auspicious haircutting day (Longevity and increase of wealth)
18 Saturday: 12i.20. ⋅ Earth-Fire ⋅ Chi: Do not make any community events ⋅ LA: sole of foot ⋅ Yelam: North-East ⋅ Auspicious haircutting day (Beauty)
19 Sunday: 12i.21. ⋅ Day 21 of this lunar month is doubled. ⋅ Fire-Wind ⋅ Don: Do not invite anyone ⋅ LA: big toe ⋅ Yelam: North-East ⋅ Auspicious haircutting day (Attainment of great strength)
20 Monday: 12i.21. ⋅ Day 21 of this lunar month is doubled. ⋅ Birthday of Karma Trinlay Rinpoche (1975)* ⋅ Water-Wind ⋅ Don: Do not invite anyone ⋅ LA: big toe ⋅ Yelam: North-East ⋅ Auspicious haircutting day (Attainment of great strength)
21 Tuesday: 12i.22. ⋅ Fire-Wind ⋅ Tshong: Do not start business ventures ⋅ LA: left shoulder blade ⋅ Yelam: North-East ⋅ Inauspicious haircutting day (Numerous illnesses)
22 Wednesday: 12i.23. ⋅ Water-Wind ⋅ Pu: Do not take your infant first time outside ⋅ LA: liver ⋅ Yelam: North-East ⋅ Auspicious haircutting day (Wealth)
23 Thursday: 12i.24. ⋅ Fire-Wind ⋅ Mag: Do not initiate any war and its related work ⋅ LA: palms of hands ⋅ Yelam: North-East ⋅ Inauspicious haircutting day (Infectious Diseases)
24 Friday: 12i.25. ⋅ Dakini and Vajrayogini Day ⋅ Paden ⋅ Sangen ⋅ Earth-Earth ⋅ Nyen: Do not make any new accompany ⋅ LA: tongue ⋅ Yelam: North-East ⋅ Inauspicious haircutting day (Problems of evil eye)
25 Saturday: 12i.26. ⋅ Earth-Earth ⋅ Khar: Do not build and initiate any construction work ⋅ LA: knees ⋅ Yelam: North-East ⋅ Auspicious haircutting day (Most auspicious day, all kind of benefits)
26 Sunday: 12i.27. ⋅ Earth-Fire ⋅ Pag: Do not marry ⋅ LA: knees ⋅ Yelam: North-East ⋅ Auspicious haircutting day (Neutral)
27 Monday: 12i.28. ⋅ Water-Water ⋅ Dur: Do not make any cremation ⋅ LA: sexual organs ⋅ Yelam: North-East ⋅ Inauspicious haircutting day (Cause of hard feelings)
28 Tuesday: 12i.29. ⋅ Dharmapala (Dharma Protectors') Day ⋅ Fire-Water ⋅ Shi: No memorials or wakes ⋅ LA: pupils ⋅ Yelam: North-East ⋅ Inauspicious haircutting day (The soul will be waken away by the devil)
29 Wednesday: 12i.30. ⋅ Buddha Shakyamuni Day ⋅ 100 times day ⋅ Earth-Water ⋅ Chi: Do not make any community events ⋅ 🌑 ⋅ LA: whole of body ⋅ Yelam: North-East ⋅ Inauspicious haircutting day (Meeting one's own assassin)
30 Thursday: 12d.1. ⋅ This is the first day of the Lunar month 12 (delayed) (ཧོཪ་ཟླ༌བཅུ་གཉིས༌པ། / horda chunyipa / Fire-female-Ox). ⋅ Paden ⋅ Earth-Wind ⋅ Don: Do not invite anyone ⋅ LA: sole of foot ⋅ Yelam: North-East ⋅ Inauspicious haircutting day (Life is shortened)
31 Friday: 12d.2. ⋅ Earth-Water ⋅ Tshong: Do not start business ventures ⋅ LA: ankles ⋅ Yelam: North-East ⋅ Inauspicious haircutting day (Diseases)
February 2025
1 Saturday: 12d.3. ⋅ White Tara Day ⋅ Parinirvana of the 1st Chetsang Rinpoche, Drikung Könchok Ratna (1590-1654) ⋅ Earth-Earth ⋅ Pu: Do not take your infant first time outside ⋅ LA: (medial side of) thighs ⋅ Yelam: North-East ⋅ Auspicious haircutting day (Wealth is increased)
2 Sunday: 12d.4. ⋅ Fire-Water ⋅ Mag: Do not initiate any war and its related work ⋅ LA: waistline ⋅ Yelam: North-East ⋅ Auspicious haircutting day (Radiance is augmented)
3 Monday: 12d.5. ⋅ Water-Water ⋅ Nyen: Do not make any new accompany ⋅ LA: (interior of) mouth ⋅ Yelam: North-East ⋅ Auspicious haircutting day (Acquisition of great wealth)
4 Tuesday: 12d.6. ⋅ Fire-Wind ⋅ Khar: Do not build and initiate any construction work ⋅ LA: chest ⋅ Yelam: North-East ⋅ Inauspicious haircutting day (Radiance disappears)
5 Wednesday: 12d.8. ⋅ Day 7 of this lunar month is missing. ⋅ Green Tara and Medicine Buddha Day ⋅ Birthday of Karma Trinlay Rinpoche (1975) ⋅ 100 times day ⋅ Fire-Water ⋅ Dur: Do not make any cremation ⋅ LA: palms of hands ⋅ Yelam: North-East ⋅ Auspicious haircutting day (Long Life)
6 Thursday: 12d.9. ⋅ Fire-Wind ⋅ Shi: No memorials or wakes ⋅ LA: liver ⋅ Yelam: North-East ⋅ Inauspicious haircutting day (Negative encounters)
7 Friday: 12d.10. ⋅ Guru Rinpoche (Padmasambhava) Day ⋅ Luthep ⋅ Earth-Earth ⋅ Chi: Do not make any community events ⋅ LA: waistline ⋅ Yelam: North-East ⋅ Auspicious haircutting day (Achievement of power)
8 Saturday: 12d.11. ⋅ Earth-Wind ⋅ Don: Do not invite anyone ⋅ LA: nose ⋅ Yelam: North-East ⋅ Auspicious haircutting day (Achievement of power and intelligence)
9 Sunday: 12d.12. ⋅ Fire-Water ⋅ Tshong: Do not start business ventures ⋅ LA: stomach ⋅ Yelam: North-East ⋅ Inauspicious haircutting day (Detrimental to life)
10 Monday: 12d.13. ⋅ Paden ⋅ Water-Wind ⋅ Pu: Do not take your infant first time outside ⋅ LA: shoulder blades ⋅ Yelam: North-East ⋅ Auspicious haircutting day (Wealth and happiness)
11 Tuesday: 12d.14. ⋅ Nyinak ⋅ Fire-Fire ⋅ Mag: Do not initiate any war and its related work ⋅ LA: blood vessel above thumbs ⋅ Yelam: North-East ⋅ Auspicious haircutting day (Profuseness of material goods)
12 Wednesday: 12d.15. ⋅ Buddha Amitābha Day ⋅ 100 times day ⋅ Water-Water ⋅ Nyen: Do not make any new accompany ⋅ 🌕 ⋅ LA: whole of body ⋅ Yelam: North-East ⋅ Auspicious haircutting day (Favorable auguries, auspicious)
13 Thursday: 12d.16. ⋅ Fire-Wind ⋅ Khar: Do not build and initiate any construction work ⋅ LA: neck ⋅ Yelam: North-East ⋅ Auspicious haircutting day (Expansion of Dharma and of progeny)
14 Friday: 12d.17. ⋅ Earth-Fire ⋅ Pag: Do not marry ⋅ LA: throat ⋅ Yelam: North-East ⋅ Inauspicious haircutting day (The skin becomes bluish)
15 Saturday: 12d.18. ⋅ Parinirvana of Longchen Rabjampa (1182-1251) ⋅ Earth-Wind ⋅ Dur: Do not make any cremation ⋅ LA: pit of the stomach ⋅ Yelam: North-East ⋅ Inauspicious haircutting day (Loss of all wealth)
16 Sunday: 12d.19. ⋅ Yenkong ⋅ Fire-Wind ⋅ Shi: No memorials or wakes ⋅ LA: ankles ⋅ Yelam: North-East ⋅ Auspicious haircutting day (Longevity and increase of wealth)
17 Monday: 12d.20. ⋅ Water-Wind ⋅ Chi: Do not make any community events ⋅ LA: sole of foot ⋅ Yelam: North-East ⋅ Auspicious haircutting day (Beauty)
18 Tuesday: 12d.21. ⋅ Fire-Wind ⋅ Don: Do not invite anyone ⋅ LA: big toe ⋅ Yelam: North-East ⋅ Auspicious haircutting day (Attainment of great strength)
19 Wednesday: 12d.22. ⋅ Water-Wind ⋅ Tshong: Do not start business ventures ⋅ LA: left shoulder blade ⋅ Yelam: North-East ⋅ Inauspicious haircutting day (Numerous illnesses)
20 Thursday: 12d.23. ⋅ Fire-Wind ⋅ Pu: Do not take your infant first time outside ⋅ LA: liver ⋅ Yelam: North-East ⋅ Auspicious haircutting day (Wealth)
21 Friday: 12d.24. ⋅ Day 24 of this lunar month is doubled. ⋅ Earth-Earth ⋅ Mag: Do not initiate any war and its related work ⋅ LA: palms of hands ⋅ Yelam: North-East ⋅ Inauspicious haircutting day (Infectious Diseases)
22 Saturday: 12d.24. ⋅ Day 24 of this lunar month is doubled. ⋅ Earth-Earth ⋅ Mag: Do not initiate any war and its related work ⋅ LA: palms of hands ⋅ Yelam: North-East ⋅ Inauspicious haircutting day (Infectious Diseases)
23 Sunday: 12d.25. ⋅ Dakini and Vajrayogini Day ⋅ Paden ⋅ Sangen ⋅ Fire-Water ⋅ Nyen: Do not make any new accompany ⋅ LA: tongue ⋅ Yelam: North-East ⋅ Inauspicious haircutting day (Problems of evil eye)
24 Monday: 12d.26. ⋅ Water-Water ⋅ Khar: Do not build and initiate any construction work ⋅ LA: knees ⋅ Yelam: North-East ⋅ Auspicious haircutting day (Most auspicious day, all kind of benefits)
25 Tuesday: 12d.27. ⋅ Earth-Fire ⋅ Pag: Do not marry ⋅ LA: knees ⋅ Yelam: North-East ⋅ Auspicious haircutting day (Neutral)
26 Wednesday: 12d.28. ⋅ Gutor དགུ་གཏོར་ ⋅ Earth-Water ⋅ Dur: Do not make any cremation ⋅ LA: sexual organs ⋅ Yelam: North-East ⋅ Inauspicious haircutting day (Cause of hard feelings)
27 Thursday: 12d.29. ⋅ Gutor དགུ་གཏོར་ ⋅ Dharmapala (Dharma Protectors') Day ⋅ Water-Wind ⋅ Shi: No memorials or wakes ⋅ LA: pupils ⋅ Yelam: North-East ⋅ Inauspicious haircutting day (The soul will be waken away by the devil)
28 Friday: 12d.30. ⋅ Losar ⋅ Buddha Shakyamuni Day ⋅ 100 times day ⋅ Earth-Earth ⋅ Chi: Do not make any community events ⋅ 🌑 ⋅ LA: whole of body ⋅ Yelam: North-East ⋅ Inauspicious haircutting day (Meeting one's own assassin)
* remarks the dates, anniversaries according to Western calendar
** actual events
The numbers after the date represents the lunar months and days (for instance: ‘10. 8.’ means the 8th day in the 10th Tibetan lunar month)
🌑 = New Moon
🌕 = Full Moon
Descriptions of Elemental combinations: here.
Information about LA (The Cycle of LA): here.
Yelam: The directions in which the thormas are disposed of. More here.
Descriptions of Special Days: please press the underlined text in days column or choose in the menu on the left.