We would be extremely grateful if you could support our work with a donation.
If you are able to do so, please click one of the buttons or scan the QR codes below (according to your preferred currency).
Thank you so much for your support in advance!
Your donation is essential to our continued success.
We have regular expenses, and we need your help to cover them. These include domain rental and maintenance, website provider costs, newsletter service, localisation management platform, payment for the programmer and calendar calculator, implementation of our future plans and developments, social media advertising, and support for Dharma activities.
Although we follow the instructions of His Holiness Karmapa in our activities, we want to be clear that our fundraising activities are completely independent of His Holiness Karmapa and his Private Office, as well as the Karma Kagyu Buddhist communities (such as Bodhi Path or Dhapo or Diamond Way).
If you have any question, please contact us.
*implementation of our future plans and developments
provide even more information
daily banner for website
new website engine for a more visual and efficient display of data - possibly dedicated to multiple languages
iCal and Google Calendar integration ready
printable calendar ready
publishing printed calendars in several versions (wall calendar, pocket calendar, filofax-style) ready in two formats - nothing else is planned for the moment
development of mobile (Android, iOS) apps
video and written teachings on special days and events in the Calendar
Do you have any ideas? Contact us here please.