Printable wall Calendar


Although a printed version of the wall calendar is available for 2025, many of you have asked for a printable version this year too. So there will be! Well, there is. 

This printable calendar is based on the Karma Kagyu calendar, which is calculated according to the ancient Tsurphu calendar system, following the instructions of His Holiness the Karmapa. Our announcement on this can be found here.

This wall calendar is A3 in size (297 x 420 millimetres, 11-3/4 x 16-1/2 inches). It has 17 pages, because in addition to the page containing the twelve months, there is a cover, a list of pictures and an explanatory page.

This wall calendar follows the Western (Gregorian) calendar and assigns days and events and facts according to the Tibetan Tsurphu calendar.

Important! Even after use, take care of this Calendar with respect, like a Dharma book!

We are at your disposal for any questions or requests or suggestions. Contact us!

Contributed to the production of this printable calendar and special thanks to: Lama Mönlamgyatso Rinpoche, Jampa Chophel, Micha Donges, Zsoka Gelle, Karma Jamyang, Anita Jász, Tokpa Korlo, Stephane Offort, Nagendra Saha, Daniel Simon, Gabriella Turányi, Kalsang Wangchuk.

Donations are appreciated.

If you have any ideas, suggestions or comments about the printable calendar, please contact us.


Two file versions are available. We recommend that you download both and take them to the printing company/copy centre. Approx. 63 MB per file. For detailed help on printing, see below.

Tips for printing